Real Connections Get Real Results

Connected Employees Create Greater Productivity

Leading Human unlocks your company's potential by enhancing your employees' skills in self-awareness, collaboration, communication, and agility.

We accomplish this with programs that are human-led, technology-enabled, and results-obsessed.

If you want to drive retention, boost collaboration, and catalyze performance, Leading Human can get your people thriving together.

Let's connect and unlock your organization's full potential today.

Net Promoter Score
Performance Improvement
Greater Connections
Program Completers





"It was really a wonderful opportunity for the team to learn new leadership skills and improve their connections at work"

SVP, Leadership Essentials Acceleration Program Sponsor

People and connections

We are more disconnected than ever before.

Despite being more connected through technology, people feel more disconnected than ever. Remote and hybrid work reduces in-person interactions. Heavy workloads leave less time for relationships. This disconnection causes lower engagement, productivity, and higher turnover.

We can be more connected and thrive!

With conscious guidance and up-skilling people can learn to build real connections in our modern world. Through a focus on collaboration, communication, and agility employees will increase engagement, raise productivity, and lower turnover.

A group of friends at a coffee shop
A group of friends at a coffee shop

Live workshops with assessments, experienced coaches, and content to learn practical skills, together in a supportive community.


A mix of live practice sessions and interactive tools to make the group sessions fun and positive while creating new behaviors


The ultimate guide for lasting and applicable learning to encourage long-term impact.

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

Ensure goals stay on track. We customize tracking and measurement for success.

Our Unique Formula: PEAK

Tailored mix of hands-on learning, coaching, and tech

Trusted by top organizations

"LEAP assisted me both personally and professionally. I'm more thoughtful and productive thanks to the Leading Human Program"

  • - Peter V.

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